Posted in 30 Days Challenge

30 Days Writing Challenge #17

5 Phrases of today –

Wince / give (sb) a holler / smirk / straight shooter / look in

“Hey Steven, I saw you the other day… with Helen!” Ringo smirked.

“What…? No… hmm… yes… I had a visit to my clients that day, and my clients was near to her office, so I just looked in on her.” Steven winced.

“Oh, really? I am working at that area too. Why didn’t you give me a holler and had a coffee with me?” Ringo paused a bit and continued, “oh, am I speaking too much? But you know, I’m a straight shooter, and I just said what I’ve seen.”

“You are not a straight shooter. You are just a nosy man.” Steven said, giving Ringo a stare. “Yes, Helen and I, we are together, okay? Satisfied?”

“You betcha!” Ringo said and laughed.