Posted in 30 Days Challenge

30 Days Writing Challenge #22

5 Phrases of today –

Beacon / go up in the smoke / break a leg / on second thought / doom (n)

In wartime, you would not know when you would meet your doom, maybe just in the next second.

You have to make the most correct decision quickly, because you don’t have time to be on second thought.

Once you see the beacon, you have to run as quick as possible, otherwise, you will go up in the smoke very soon…

Linda was doing her last practice before she went to the stage.

“How do you feel? Is my voice clear?” Linda asked.

“Yes, it sounds good! Hey, it’s your turn, let’s get the show on the road!” I replied.

Linda seemed a bit nervous, so I tried to encourage her. “Hey, Linda!” I called her. “Break a leg!” Linda looked back and gave me a big smile. I knew she would have a good show.