Posted in 30 Days Challenge

30 Days Writing Challenge #21

5 Phrases of today –

Feeble / run into / come off / barking up the wrong tree / crappy

I ran into Joseph in the park the other day. He was energetic and fit before, but at the day I saw him, he looked tired and feeble.

Joseph told me that he has been working in a big firm for 3 years. He was extremely excited when he first got an offer. He thought he would get an excellent career prospects in this company.

The job was demanding and stressful, but Joseph always got his job done beautifully. After 3 years of hard work, Joseph finally got a chance to get promoted.

Joseph was not the only candidate for the promotion, but he was confident of his performance. Joseph has spent countless days and nights on his job, and he believed that he would be the one who got the trophy.

However, the matter did not come off as expected. The company has promoted another guy. Joseph was completely shocked by this result. He just thought that all his hard work went up in smoke.

After this issue, Joseph completely fell apart and even fell sick. He was so sick that he even couldn’t get up for work. Because of sickness, Joseph has been absent from work 3 weeks already.

At the first two weeks, Joseph felt crappy and depressed. He knew that his illness was greatly related to not being promoted, but he couldn’t get over it at all.

Until one day, Joseph saw a blog post. The blogger had exactly the same experience as Joseph, and the only different was that the blogger has gotten over already.

Reading the blog post, Joseph just noticed that he was totally barking up in the wrong tree. He was too focus on his job, and forgot to develop and maintain a professional network.

In fact, Joseph’s boss has reminded him once. His boss said the company liked someone who had a professional network, because it would help the company to get new knowledge and opportunities, but Joseph did not aware of it.

Joseph finally realized that he really was not the suitable candidate for that position, and he knew that it’s time for him to get it together. Therefore, he started running and that was the reason why I saw him in the park.

Joseph said he was ready and would resume to work on the next Monday. I was glad to hear that and I hope he can back on track soon.